Saturday, October 2, 2010

To Celebrate our 2010 Inductees?

This morning the Alpha Epsilon Alpha chapter of Sigma Tau Delta inducted our new members for 2010. We were honored by a welcome by the Dean of TCNJ's School of Culture and Society, Dr. Benjamin Rifkin, and an address by the chairman of the Department of English, Dr. David Blake. Dean Rifkin highlighted the close match between the goals of Sigma Tau Delta and the mission of the School of Culture and Society. Professor Blake explicated the quote we chose to illustrate the importance of "Truth" to members of Sigma Tau Delta: "God offers to every mind its choice between truth and repose. Take which you please, -- you can never have both"--Ralph Waldo Emerson.

We were also honored at the end of the ceremony by a visit from our college's president, Dr. Barbara Gitenstein. We want to thank all three of them for taking time out to celebrate our new members and the accomplishments of our chapter.

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