Wednesday, May 18, 2011

To Reflect on Another Year of Learning?

It's May! -- exams have been taken, final essays have been written, and grades have been turned in by students and faculty. It's time to think about what another year of learning has added to our brains, and about the people we'd like to thank for their contributions to our success.

First off, I'd like to thank my students and their families for choosing The College of New Jersey as their "learning destination" -- not to be confused with a vacation destination. We're proud of the education we offer, and we are pleased that you selected TCNJ.

Next, I would like to thank the residents of New Jersey for continuing to support public education for young (and not-so-young) New Jerseyans. Many many middle class families throughout the US would have never achieved economic stability without our American commitment to public education. I myself would not enjoy a nation in which only those families who could afford private schools were able to obtain degrees for their children.

Before we all get too caught up in summer, let's think about what this academic year has brought us.


  1. Sigma Tau Delta in particular provided me with wonderful leadership opportunities, and I thank everyone for making my senior year at the college so special and worthwhile. I hope to still remain current on future Sigma Tau Delta events as well!

  2. Senior year was pretty cool. I really enjoyed reading Shakespeare for the first time (hurray for Titus!) and learned a lot in my higher level courses. I'm going to miss the TCNJ English faculty! I think I bothered them more this year than any other year.
