Tuesday, November 23, 2010

To Race to Nowhere?

I just heard of this new documentary that is coming out called "Race to Nowhere", and I thought it would be appropriate to share on this blog posting, since it's school related. If you go to www.racetonowhere.com you can watch the trailer, but essentially it's a documentary about the pressure on students to become over-achievers. Apparently you can even fill out a request to 'host a screening' of the documentary at your school, which I think is a cool idea, or at least something to consider.

Katie Pucci

1 comment:

  1. Is anyone else as confused as I about the mixed messages being sent to our state's teachers? The governor implies that we are comparable to drug dealers, and economists believe that our nation's future prosperity depends entirely on our being able to create the best-educated work force in the world. Hard to turn out good students as the governor drives a wedge between teachers and parents, and blames teachers, police officers, and fire fighters for all of New Jersey's tax woes.
    Diane Steinberg
