Last Saturday, our chapter of Sigma Tau Delta sponsored a Pancake breakfast fundraiser at our local Applebees Restaurant. It was a huge success! Student representatives from Sigma Tau Delta transformed from literary critics, poets and avid book readers to busboys and waitresses for the day. We served faculty, other students and the nearby community delicious pancakes as part of a effort to raise money for the Sigma Tau Delta National Convention in St. Louis, Missouri next month- and raise money we did! As an organization, we sold nearly 100 tickets for the fundraiser and as a result of our fantastic customer service and a job well done by the entire STD 'staff' we were able to raise $650.00 in just a few hours!
We arrived at Applebees at 7:30 in the morning for a preservice training session where we learned the ins and outs of the restaurant business. How to seat guests, how to take an order, how to call out an order to the fantastic chefs in the back and even how to bus the tables was part of our training. After a few practice rounds, our waiters and waitresses were ready for the ensuing crowd, quickly scribbling down orders for pancakes, sausage, coffee, juice , you name it! It was a lot of fun to take on this new role for the day, and place orders for everyone from our own best friends to the many faculty members who came to support.
So much planning and preparation went into this day, so a special thanks to everyone involved- but a special thank you to Danielle Katims and Becky McGowan who were in charge of the event.
Now that we're all such pancake experts, it is probably about time for our honor society to open our very own restaurant chain... perhaps a 'Poetic Pancake House'?

...or maybe we should just stick to our first love, literature!